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Why Live Cells?

There are plenty of similar libraries out there. So why should you use Live Cells in particular?

Why not StatefulWidget?

StatefulWidget and setState are excellent tools for managing state that is local to a single widget, and passing that state down the widget hierarchy. However StatefulWidget is not a great tool for managing global application state, nor is it capable of passing data up the widget hierarchy. To pass data from a child widget to its parent, you have to pass callback functions.

For example to implement a "counter" widget that provides a button for incrementing a counter value, which is stored in the parent of the "counter" widget, you have to do something similar to the following:

class Counter extends StatelessWidget {
final int count;

final void Function(int) onChanged;

required this.count,
required this.onChanged

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ElevatedButton(
child: Text(count.toString()),
onPressed: () => onChanged(count + 1)

To use this widget, you would do something similar to the following :

class Parent extends StatefulWidget {

State<Parent> createState() => _ParentState();

class _ParentState extends State<Parent> {
var _count = 0;

Widget build(BuildContext context) => Column(
children: [
Text('Count is $_count'),
count: _count,
onChanged: (count) => setState(() {
_count = count;

Now let's compare this with an implementation using Live Cells:

class Counter extends CellWidget {
final MutableCell<int> count;


Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ElevatedButton(
child: Text(count().toString()),
onPressed: () => count.value++
class Parent extends CellWidget {

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final count = MutableCell(0);

return Column(
children: [
Text('Count is ${count()}'),

Notice the version using Live Cells version does not require an onChanged callback in the Counter widget. Only the cell holding the counter value is passed. The Counter widget increments the value held in the cell directly, and the parent widget is automatically rebuilt with the new counter value.

So what's the big deal with callbacks?

  1. You're duplicating the state synchronization code wherever you use the Counter widget.
  2. If you have multiple counters with different values, there's more room for mistakes by setting the wrong counter value, e.g. doing _count1 = count instead of _count2 = count.
  3. If the counter is stored in a widget that is even higher up the hierarchy, you have to prop-drill callbacks all the way down to the Counter widget. With cells you just pass the cell holding the counter.

Why not ValueNotifier?

Doesn't ValueNotifier already perform the function of cells, described above? Yes it does, but a cell can also be defined as a function of other cells. For example imagine you have two counters, you can define a cell that evaluates to the sum of the counters, using:

final sum = ValueCell.computed(() => count1() + count2());

The sum cell defined above is automatically recomputed when either one of count1 or count2 change. This cell can then be observed just like any other cell.

class Parent extends CellWidget {

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final count1 = MutableCell(0);
final count2 = MutableCell(0);

final sum = ValueCell.computed(() => count1() + count2());

return Column(
children: [
Text('${count1()} + ${count2()} = ${sum()}'),

This cannot be done easily with ValueNotifier, you either have to subclass it or implement your own ValueListenable, or manually add and remove listeners to both ValueNotifiers in the widget.

class _ParentState extends State<Parent> {
final count1 = ValueNotifier(0);
final count2 = ValueNotifier(0);

final sum = 0;

void _updateSum() {
setState(() {
sum = count1.value + count2.value;

void initState() {


void dispose() {


Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Column(
children: [
Text('${count1.value} + ${count2.value} = $sum'),

Besides being more verbose, this is also more error prone. You could easily forget to add a listener, or forget to dispose a ValueNotifier. Live Cells takes care of all of that for you so you can focus only on your application logic.

Why not ChangeNotifier?

Why not just put both counters in a single ChangeNotifier instead of two ValueNotifiers? Something similar to the following:

class SumNotifier extends ChangeNotifier {
final _count1 = 0;
final _count2 = 0;

int get count1 => _count1;

set count1(int value) {
_count1 = value;

int get count2 => _count2;

set count2(int value) {
_count2 = value;

int get sum => _count1 + _count2;

What do you do if one of the counter values is stored in the Parent widget, but the other needs to be stored even higher up the widget hierarchy, which means you cannot store both counters in a single ChangeNotifier? You'll just run into the same problem.

With Live Cells this is as simple as:

class Parent extends CellWidget {
final MutableCell<int> count1;


Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final count2 = MutableCell(0);

final sum = ValueCell.computed(() => count1() + count2());

return Column(
children: [
Text('${count1()} + ${count2()} = ${sum()}'),

Why not other libraries?

Other libraries also provide equivalent functionality to ValueCell.computed, some of them even with the same syntax. So why should you use Live Cells?

Two-way data flow

There are plenty of libraries which provide equivalent functionality to ValueCell.computed. However ValueCell.computed has a fundamental limitation in that it only defines a unidirectional flow of data.

For example in the following:

final n = MutableCell(0);
final strN = ValueCell.computed(() => n().toString());

Data can flow from n to strN, which converts the integer held in n to a string, but data can never flow from strN to n.

Live Cells also provides MutableCell.computed, which allows you to define the data flow in both directions:

final n = MutableCell(0);
final strN = MutableCell.computed(() => n().toString(), (str) {
n.value = int.tryParse(str) ?? 0;

In this example when an integer value is assigned to n, strN is automatically updated to the string representation of the value that was assigned:

n.value = 0;
print(strN.value); // 0

n.value = 5;
print(strN.value); // 5

A string value can also be assigned to strN. In this case, an integer is parsed from the value that was assigned, and is assigned to n.

strN.value = '10';
print(n.value + 1); // 11

strN.value = '15';
print(n.value + 1); // 16

This is very useful for implementing data conversions while exchanging data between a child and parent widget. In-fact this pattern is so common that Live Cells packages this definition of strN in a .mutableString() method. So strN can be defined using:

final strN = n.mutableString();

Now let's put this to practical use. Imagine that instead of a button, the Counter widget should provide a text field for entering the counter value directly.

With Live Cells this can be done easily using two-way data flow:

class Counter extends CellWidget {
final MutableCell<int> count;


Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return CellTextField(
content: count.mutableString()

CellTextField is a widget provided by the Live Cell Widgets library that binds the content of a TextField to the cell provided in the content parameter of the constructor.

When the value of the cell changes, the content of the field is updated, and similarly when the content changes, the value of the cell is updated.

That's it, we were able to achieve that without callback functions or manually adding listeners.

No other library (to the best of my knowledge) provides anything equivalent to MutableCell.computed, and hence cannot implement the example above as succinctly as Live Cells.

If we were to rely only on ValueCell.computed (An equivalent of which is provided by most other libraries), we would have to do something similar to the following:

final Counter extends StatefulWidget {
final MutableCell<int> count;


State<Counter> createState() => _CounterState();

class _CounterState extends State<Counter> {
final _controller = TextEditingController();

void initState() {
_controller.text = widget.count.value.toString();

void dispose() {

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return TextField(
controller: _controller,
onChanged: (str) {
count.value = int.tryParse(str) ?? 0;

Besides being verbose and error prone (this is becoming a common theme), a bug could easily be introduced if your forget to initialize the text property of the TextEditingController or you forget to dispose it, this definition is not even equivalent to the previous definition using mutableString().

In the previous definition if the value of the count cell is changed, regardless of where it is changed from, the global state, a widget higher up the hierarchy, or within the Counter widget itself, the content of the text field is updated to reflect the new counter value. With this implementation, the content of the text field is no longer updated when the value of the counter is changed. We've lost reactivity and now the state of our widgets is no longer in sync with our application state.

To fix this implementation we'd have to add a listener on the count cell, which we can do with and manually synchronize the state of the TextField with our cell. Something similar to the following:

late final CellWatcher _watcher;

var _suppressChanges = false;

void initState() {
_watcher = {
if (!_suppressChanges) {
_controller.text = count().toString();

void dispose() {

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return TextField(
controller: _controller,
onChanged: (str) {
_suppressChanges = true;
count.value = int.tryParse(str) ?? 0;
_suppressChanges = false;

Wow, that's a lot of boilerplate and that's not even all of it. We had to add a listener on the count cell in initState to keep the content of the text field (the text property of the TextEditingController) in sync with the value of the cell. We also had to add a guard _suppressChanges to prevent changes to the value of the count cell, that are triggered by the onChanged callback, from causing unnecessary updates to the TextEditingController.

You can tell that the code is becoming unwieldy. In-fact, it's uglier than a simpler implementation that forgoes cells, ValueNotifiers, or another library's primitive in favour of setState, callbacks and didUpdateWidget, and that's what many developers do. However, then you end up with the issues outlined in Why not StatefulWidget. Without two-way data flow, reactive programming is essentially useless in situations such as these.

Whilst we used the primitives of Live Cells (ValueCell.computed and, since similar primitives are provided by other libraries, every library that does not offer an equivalent to MutableCell.computed, which hardly any if any at all do, will suffer from the same limitations.


Cells can be used both to manage global and widget state. Whilst this is not exclusive to Live Cells, I know of no other library where you can define the widget state directly in the build method using exactly the same definitions as you would for global state.

For example this is widget local state (we've already seen this):

class Counter extends CellWidget {

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final count = MutableCell(0);

return ElevatedButton(
child: Text('${count()}'),
onPressed: () => count.value++

Let's say for some reason we want a global counter shared by all Counter widgets throughout our app. All we have to do is move the definition of count outside the widget:

final count = MutableCell(0);

class Counter extends CellWidget {

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ElevatedButton(
child: Text('${count()}'),
onPressed: () => count.value++

The code defining the count cell is exactly the same in both case, the only difference is where its placed.


Cells are designed to be indistinguishable from the values they hold as much as possible. For example you can define cells directly as an expression of other cells:

final sum = a + b;

This defines a cell (sum) that computes the sum of the values of cells a and b.

final elem = list[index];

This defines a cell (elem) that retrieves the element at the index held in cell index of the list held in cell list.

With live_cell_extension, which you can read more about here, you can access properties of your own types using almost the same syntax as you would use if you were dealing with the values directly:

For example consider the following Person class:

class Person {
final String name;
final int age;

const Person({,

With live_cell_extension you can create a cell that access a property of a Person held in another cell using the following:

final person = MutableCell(
name: 'John Smith',
age: 25

// Create a cell that accesses the `name` property
final name =;

// Create a cell that accesses the `age` property
final age = person.age

The code used is exactly the same as if you were accessing the properties directly on a Person value. Most other libraries require you to define selectors using something similar to the following:

final name = =>;

Notice you didn't have to define custom subclasses, providers, or selectors, which a lot of other libraries require even for simple examples such as these. Live Cells tries to make working with cells as close as possible to working with raw values.

Widgets library

Live Cells also comes with a widgets library, which you can read more about here, that allows you to bind cells directly to widget properties. We've already seen one such example CellTextField:

final contentCell = MutableCell('');

content: contentCell

CellTextField is a the Live Cells equivalent of Flutter's TextField, which allows you to bind its properties directly to cells. In the example above, the content of the field is bound to contentCell. This means whenever the content of the field changes, the value of contentCell is updated. Likewise whenever the value of contentCell changes, the content of the field is updated.

Besides CellTextField, this library also provides CellSwitch, CellCheckbox, CellRadio and many other widgets. This is not limited to widgets for acquiring user input but also widgets which are used purely for presenting data such as CellText.


These are not reimplementations of Flutter's widgets but wrappers over them.

For example the data property of a CellText (Live Cells equivalent of Flutter's Text) can be bound to the same contentCell from the previous example:

data: contentCell

The effect of this binding is that whatever text is entered in the text field, from the previous example, will be echoed in the CellText widget.

No other library, to the best of my knowledge, offers anything remotely similar to this.