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Cell Keys

We stated a couple of times in the documentation that a certain property returns a keyed cell. Now we'll explain what that actually means.

Keyed cells

A keyed cell is a cell with a key that identifies the cell. If two distinct ValueCell instances have the same key, under ==, then the two cells compare ==. In-effect, this allows them to function as though they are the same cell despite being two separate objects.

Great, so how's that useful? Consider the following code which creates a CellWidget that observes a cell a:

CellWidget.builder((_) {
final a = ...;

return Text(a());

a is created in the widget build function, and observed by the CellWidget. When the CellWidget is rebuilt, the build function is called again, a new a is created and the CellWidget is now observing the new a alongside the previous a. With every rebuild of the CellWidget, a new a is being observed. Besides leaking memory, the state of a is lost and reset on every build.

Cell keys were created to avoid this problem. If the CellWidget is rebuilt and a new a is created, BUT with the same key as the previous a, the CellWidget sees it as the same cell and continues observing the previous a. More importantly, the new a shares the same state (and hence the same value) as the previous a. In-effect it is the same cell, just referenced by a different object.

Remember we said CellWidget automatically generates a key for cells defined within its build method. That's how the magic works, it's not really magic now is it, and how the state of cells can be persisted across builds. CellWidget automatically generates a key for each cell defined in its build function/method that does not already have a key.

Keys are not only useful in widgets, but also in computed cells:

final a = MutableCell(0);
final sum = ValueCell.computed(() => a() + a.previous());

Notice, we directly referenced the previous property (which references the previous value of cell a), in the computed cell. We are able to do this because previous returns a keyed cell. If it weren't for keyed cells we would have to store a.previous in a local variable first and reference that in the computed cell, i.e. something similar to the following:

final a = MutableCell(0);
final prev = a.previous;

final sum = ValueCell.computed(() => a() + prev());

The second snippet is more verbose and would be inefficient, if previous wasn't a keyed cell, because every a.previous would create a new cell that tracks the previous value of a. With keyed cells there is only a single a.previous cell that is tracking the previous value of a.


You may be asking why keyed cells instead of just caching the created cells in private properties? There's three reasons for this:

  • It keeps the core cell classes small.
  • All additional functionality .previous, .wait, .delayed, .first, .last, ..., can be kept in extensions on the relevant ValueCell classes rather than bloating the classes themselves.
  • live_cell_extension (see User Defined Types) would not have been possible without cell keys.
  • This allows users of the library to extend the cell classes with their own properties, e.g. .foo, which can be used just like a built in property.

Which cells have keys?

The cells returned by cell property getters are always keyed cells. This includes (but is not limited to):

  • List cell extension properties:

    • .first
    • .last
    • .length
  • Map cell extension properties

  • previous cells

  • peek cells

  • Cell property accessors generated for classes annotated with @CellExtension

Also the following cells are keyed:

  • Constant cells

  • Cells returned by the indexing operator on List and Map cells:

    • list[1.cell]
    • map['key'.cell]
  • Equality comparison cells created with eq and neq

To be sure whether a specific method returns a keyed cell or not, consult the API Reference.

Keys for your own cells

You can assign a key to your own computed cells, created with ValueCell.computed, by providing the key in the key argument:

Keyed computed cell
final cell = ValueCell.computed(() => a() + b(),
key: MyKey(a, b)

Any object which overloads == and hashCode can serve as a cell key. For your own keys, you're generally encouraged to do the following:

  • Use a class per key type. For example if you have a function which returns a cell, create a key class that is only used by that function.
  • If your cell depends on other cells, include those cells in the key class and in its implementation of ==.

An example implementation of MyKey:

Example key implementation
class MyKey {
final ValueCell a;
final ValueCell b;

MyKey(this.a, this.b);

bool operator ==(other) => other is MyKey &&
a == other.a &&
b == other.b;

int get hashCode => Object.hash(runtimeType, a, b);

The live_cells_internals library provides the key base classes CellKey1, CellKey2 up to CellKey5, which allow you to quickly create a key that is identified by 1, 2 up to 5 values. These cells already implement == and hashCode.


The runtimeType is taken into account in the imlementation of == and hashCode. Therefore two keys of different subclasses of CellKey2, for example, will not compare == even if the key values are ==.

MyKey can also be implemented using CellKey2 as follows:

Implementation of MyKey using CellKey2
import 'package:live_cells_core/live_cells_internals.dart';

class MyKey extends CellKey2 {
MyKey(super.value1, super.value2);

Don't give the same key to functionally different cells. Don't do this:

final a = ValueCell.computed(() => a() + b(),
key: MyKey(a, b)

final b = ValueCell.computed(() => a() * b(),
key: MyKey(a, b)

Not unless you want bad things to happen.

Keys for mutable cells

You can also assign keys to mutable cells, however if you do the cell's value may not be read or written while it is inactive, i.e. while it has no observers. This restriction applies to cells created with MutableCell and MutableCell.computed. If the value of a keyed mutable cell is read before an observer is added an InactivePersistentStatefulCellError exception is thrown.

final a = MutableCell(0, key: MyKey(...));

// Throws InactivePersistentStatefulCellError

The reason for this restriction is that the cell's state is automatically removed from the global cell state table when the cell's last observer is removed. Mutable cells without a key can safely maintain a reference to that state, even after it has technically been disposed, because they do not share the state with other cells. However, mutable cells with a key share their state with other cells which have the same key, therefore they cannot maintain a reference to their state after it has been removed from the global state table, since there is no guarantee at that point that all such cells will be referencing the same state object.

To be able to read/write the value of a keyed MutableCell when it may be inactive, you'll have to call .hold() to keep the cell's state from being disposed.

final a = MutableCell(0, key: MyKey(...));

// Ensure the state of a will not be disposed
final hold = a.hold();

a.value = 10;

// Call release when you will no longer use `a`

Note .release() is called, on the object returned by hold(), when the mutable cell will no longer be used. This allows its state to be disposed.


When the state of a keyed mutable cell is recreated after disposal, due to being observed again, it's value will be reset which is not the case with non-keyed mutable cells.


CellWidget ensures that all mutable cells created within it are active while the widget is mounted.


This restriction does not apply to stateless mutable computed cells since they don't have a state. Most methods and properties, provided by this library, that return keyed mutable computed cells actually return stateless mutable computed cells. These will be covered in the next section.