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Lightweight Computed Cells

To understand what a lightweight computed cell is, we first have to go over the difference between stateful cells and stateless cells.

Stateful and Stateless Cells

Till this point, we've mostly been using stateful cells. A stateful cell maintains a state in memory, which consists of the cell's value and the set of observers that are observing the cell. MutableCell and ValueCell.computed(...) both create stateful cells.

Stateless cells do not maintain a state. This means they do not store a value, nor do they maintain a set of observers. An example of stateless cells that we've used frequently throughout this documentation is the constant cell, e.g. 1.cell, 'hello'.cell. These cells are stateless because they do not actually store a value but merely return a "hardcoded" constant.

Stateless Computed Cells

A lightweight computed cell is a stateless cell that rather than returning a constant, computes a value as a function of the values of other cells.

Unlike a stateful cell created with ValueCell.computed, a stateless computed cell does not cache its value. Instead it is computed on demand whenever the value property is accessed. Stateless computed cells do not keep track of their own observers. Instead, all observers added to a stateless computed cell, are added directly to the argument cells.

Stateless computed cells can be created using the apply method provided by all cells. apply takes a compute function, that is applied on the value of the cell, and returns a new stateless computed cell. The compute function is called whenever the value of the cell is accessed.

Creating a stateless computed cell with .apply()
final inc = n.apply((n) => n + 1);
final dec = n.apply((n) => n - 1);

This example shows two definitions of stateless computed cells, derived from cell n:

  • inc, which evaluates to n + 1
  • dec, which evaluates to n - 1

A stateless computed cell with multiple argument cells, can be created using the apply method on a record of the argument cells. The compute function is applied with the value of each argument cell passed as an argument.

Multi-argument stateless computed cells
final sum = (a, b).apply((a, b) => a + b);

In this example a stateless computed cell sum is defined, which evaluates to the sum of cells a and b.

apply also takes an optional key argument, by which the returned cell is identified:

apply() with key argument
final sum = (a, b).apply((a, b) => a + b,
key: SumKey(a, b)

The purpose of the key in stateless computed cells, is to prevent the same observer from being added to multiple but functionally equivalent cell objects. See Cell Keys for more information.

If you want to control when the value properties of each argument are referenced, you can define a lightweight computed cell using the ComputeCell constructor. The constructor takes the compute function, set of argument cells (arguments) and an optional key:

ComputeCell constructor
final logand = ComputeCell(
arguments: {a, b},
compute: () => a.value && b.value

Notice the argument set has to be specified manually, and the compute function does not take any arguments. Instead, the values of the argument cells have to be referenced manually using the value property. Because they are referenced manually, we can control when each value property is accessed, which is not possible with apply(...). In this case b.value is only referenced if a.value is true, which would not be the case if the cell was defined with apply.


When defining a stateless compute cell, the values of the argument cells are referenced directly using the value property rather than the function call syntax used with ValueCell.computed. The difference between the two is that value simply accesses the value of the cell, whereas calling the cell registers it as a dependency. Stateless computed cells don't track dependencies, therefore there is no need to "call" the cell, and its value can be accessed directly.

Stateless to Stateful

Occasionally you may want to convert a stateless (lightweight) computed cell to a stateful cell that caches its value on only recomputes it when the values of the arguments have changed. You can do that with the .store() method.

The .store() method creates a cell that evaluates to the same value as the cell, on which the method is called, but caches its value so that it is only recomputed when the arguments have changed.


.store() returns a keyed cell that is unique for the cell on which the method is called.

Consider the following definition of sum using a stateless computed cell:

final a = MutableCell(0);
final b = MutableCell(1);

final sum = (a, b).apply((a, b) {
print('Computing sum');
return a + b;

final sumStore =;

sumStore is the sum cell converted to a stateful cell, using .store().

When the following is evaluated:

ValuCell(() {
print('sum1: ${sum()}');
print('sum2: ${sum()}');

a.value = 1;

The value computation function for sum is called twice, when its value is referenced twice in the watch function. As a result "Computing sum" is printed to the console twice.

However when the following is evaluated:

ValuCell(() {
print('sum1: ${sumStore()}');
print('sum2: ${sumStore()}');

a.value = 1;

The value computation function for sum is only called once, and hence "Computing sum" is only printed to the console once.


.store() only has an affect when the value of the cell is referenced through the cell returned by .store(). Referencing the value of the original cell will still result in its value being recomputed.

.store() also takes an optional changesOnly argument. When changsOnly is true, the returned cell only notifies its observers when the new value of the cell is not equal (by ==) to its previous value. This is useful to prevent potentially expensive recomputations (and side effects such as rebuilding a widget hierarchy) when the actual value of the cell hasn't changed.

This can be demonstrated with the following example:

final a = MutableCell(2);

final c1 = a.apply((a) => a % 2).store();
final c2 = a.apply((a) => a % 2)
.store(changesOnly: true); => print('C1: ${c1()}'); => print('C2: ${c2()}');

When the following is evaluated:

a.value = 4;
a.value = 6;

The following is printed to the console:

C1: 0
C1: 0

Notice the second watch function, which observers c2 which is defined using .store(changesOnly: true) is not called. This is because the computed value of the cell has not changed, even though the value of its argument cell has.

When evaluating the following:

a.value = 7;

The following is printed:

C1: 1
C2: 1

Now both watch functions are called, because the computed value has changed from 0 to 1.


Only one value can be provided for changesOnly for a given cell. For example:

final store1 = true);
final store2 =;

will only result in one of the values for changesOnly (true or false which is the default) taking effect for both store1 and store2. Treat changesOnly as a performance optimization but don't depend on the difference between changesOnly: true and changesOnly: false for correctness.


changesOnly: true changes the evaluation semantics of the cell on which it is applied from lazy to eager.

Stateless Mutable Computed Cells

A stateless variant of a mutable computed cell can be defined using .mutableApply(). Like apply this function can either be applied on the cell, or a record of cells, and takes the value computation function as an argument. .mutableApply() also takes a second argument which is the reverse computation function, as in MutableCell.computed().

It is important to note that by default mutableApply does not create a stateless cell, but a stateful mutable computed cell with a static argument cell set. In order for a stateless cell to be created, a non-null value for the key argument has to be given.


final a = MutableCell<num>(0);
final b = MutableCell<num>(1);

final sum = (a, b).mutableApply((a, b) => a + b, (sum) {
final half = sum / 2;

a.value = b.value = half;
}, key: MyKey(a, b));

In this example the sum cell from Fun with Mutable Computed Cells has been implemented using a stateless mutable computed cell. The behaviour of the cell is equivalent to the previous definition. It's computed value is the sum of cells a and b, while setting its value results in its value divided by 2 being assigned to both a and b However, with this definition the sum cell is entirely stateless. It doesn't keep track of its value, neither its computed value nor that assigned to it. It's value is recomputed whenever sum.value is accessed. The cell also does not keep track of which cells are observing it. Adding an observer to sum results in the observer being added directly to cells a and b.

A stateless mutable computed cell can also be defined with the MutableCellView constructor. The constructor takes the set of argument cells, the compute value function and the reverse computed functions as arguments, with an optional key argument. Like ComputeCell the compute value function is not called with any arguments, which allows you to control when the values of the argument cells are referenced, using .value.

The above definition using the MutableCellView constructor.

final sum = MutableCellView(
arguments: {a, b}
compute: () => a.value + b.value,
reverse: (sum) {
final half = sum / 2;

a.value = b.value = half;

key: MyKey(a, b)

Stateless mutable computed cells differ in their semantics from their stateful counterparts. Stateful mutable computed cells keep track of the value assigned to them whereas the stateless variants do not. This becomes apparent if the values assigned to the argument cells do not result in the same value being computed as the value that was assigned to the mutable computed cell.

For example consider the following cell:

final sum = MutableCell.computed(() => a() + b(), (sum) {
a.value = sum;
b.value = sum

The values assigned to the argument cells, in the reverse computation function, will not result in the same value being computed as the value that was assigned to sum. However the sum cell will remember what value it was assigned:

sum.value = 10;

print(sum.value); // 10
print(a.value + b.value); // 20

A stateless mutable computed cell on the other hand will not remember what value it was assigned. Instead it will recompute its value which is now different from the value it was assigned:

final sum = (a, b).mutableApply((a, b) => a + b, (sum) {
a.value = sum;
b.value = sum
sum.value = 10;

print(sum.value); // 20
print(a.value + b.value); // 20

Therefore it's important to ensure that the values assigned to the argument cells are such that when the value computation function is run, an equivalent value will be produced as the value that was assigned. If this condition cannot be met, then you should use a normal stateful mutable computed cell.

When to use Stateless Cells?

Stateless computed cells are useful for lightweight computations, such as basic arithmetic and numeric comparisons, where recomputing the cell's value every time it is accessed is likely to be faster than caching it, due to the overhead of maintaining a state. For expensive computations, it's preferable to cache the value and only recompute it when necessary. If in doubt, you're better off sticking to ValueCell.computed and MutableCell.computed.