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A cell, denoted by the base type ValueCell, is an object with a value and a set of observers that react to changes in its value, you'll see exactly what that means in a moment.

Creating cells
final a = 1.cell;
final b = 'hello world'.cell;
final c = ValueCell.value(someValue);

The above is an example of constant cells, which can be created either using the .cell property or the ValueCell.value constructor which takes a value and wraps it in a ValueCell. A constant cell has a value that does not change throughout its lifetime.

The value of a cell is accessed using the value property.

Accessing cell values
print(a.value); // Prints: 1
print(b.value); // Prints: 'hello world'
print(c.value); // Prints the value of `someValue`

Mutable Cells

Mutable cells, created with the MutableCell constructor, hold a value that can be set directly, by assigning a value to the value property.

Creating mutable cells
final a = MutableCell(0);

print(a.value); // Prints: 0

a.value = 3;
print(a.value); // Prints: 3

Observing Cells

When the value of a cell changes, its observers are notified of the change. The simplest way to demonstrate this is to set up a watch function using

Observing cells
final a = MutableCell(0);
final b = MutableCell(1);

// Set up a watch function observing cells `a` and `b`
final watcher = {
print('${a()} + ${b()} = ${a() + b()}');

a.value = 5; // Prints: 5 + 1 = 6
b.value = 10; // Prints: 5 + 10 = 15

In the example above, a watch function that prints the values of cells a and b to the console, along with their sum, is defined. This function is called automatically when the value of either a or b changes.


the value of a cell is referenced using the function call syntax, within a watch function, rather than accessing the value property directly.

Every call to adds a new watch function, for example:

Multiple watch functions
final watcher2 = => print('A = ${a()}'));

// Prints: 20 + 10 = 30
// Also prints: A = 20
a.value = 20;

// Prints: 20 + 1 = 21
b.value = 1;

The watch function defined above, watcher2, observes the value of a only. Changing the value of a results in both watch functions being called. Changing the value of b only results in the first watch function being called, since the second watch function is not observing b.


When you no longer need the watch function to be called, call stop on the CellWatcher object returned by

The Watch constructor allows you to define a watch function which has access to its own handle. This allows you to define a watch function that can be stopped from within the function itself:

final a = MutableCell(0);

Watch((handle) {
print('A = ${a()}')

if (a() > 10) {

In this example a watch function is defined that prints the value of cell a to the console. When the value of a exceeds 10 the watch function is stopped, by calling stop() on the handle provided to the watch function.

a.value = 1;  // Prints: A = 1
a.value = 5; // Prints: A = 5
a.value = 11; // Prints: A = 11

// The watch function is stopped at this point

a.value = 7; // Doesn't print anything

The handle also provides an afterInit() method, which exits the watch function when it is called during the first call to the watch function. This is useful when you don't want the side effects defined in the watch function to run on the initial "setup" call.

Watch((handle) {
final value = a();


print('A = ${a()}');

In this example the value of a is only printed, when it changes after the watch function is defined with Watch. It is not printed when the watch function is called for the first time to determine its dependencies.


The watch function must observe at least one cell, by the function call syntax, before the afterInit() call. Otherwise, the watch function will not observe any cells and will never be called.

Computed Cells

A computed cell, defined using ValueCell.computed, is a cell with a value that is defined as a function of the values of one or more argument cells. Whenever the value of an argument cell changes, the value of the computed cell is recomputed.

Computed cells
final a = MutableCell(1);
final b = MutableCell(2);
final sum = ValueCell.computed(() => a() + b());

In the above example, sum is a computed cell with the value defined as the sum of cells a and b. The value of sum is recomputed whenever the values of either a or b change. This is demonstrated below:

Computed cells
final watcher = {
print('The sum is ${sum()}');

a.value = 3; // Prints: The sum is 5
b.value = 4; // Prints: The sum is 7

In this example:

  1. A watch function observing the sum cell is defined.
  2. The value of a is set to 3, which:
    1. Causes the value of sum to be recomputed
    2. Calls the watch function defined in 1.
  3. The value of b is set to 4, which likewise also results in the sum being recomputed and the watch function being called.

The ValueCell.computed constructor takes an optional changesOnly keyword argument, which allows you to control whether the computed cell notifies its observers if its value hasn't changed after a recomputation. By default this is false, which means the computed cell notifies its observers whenever it's value is recomputed. If changeOnly is true, the cell only notifies its observers if the new value of the cell is not equal to its previous value.

This is demonstrated with the following example:

final a = MutableCell(0);
final b = ValueCell.computed(() => a() % 2, changeOnly: true); => print('${b()}'));

a.value = 1;
a.value = 3;
a.value = 5;
a.value = 6;
a.value = 8;

This results in the following being printed to the console:


Notice only three lines are printed to the console even though the value of the computed cell argument a was changed five times.

If changesOnly: true is omitted from the definition of b, the following is printed to the console:


Notice that a new line is printed to the console whenever the value of a, which is an argument of b, is changed. This is because b notifies its observers whenever the value of its argument a has changed even when b's new value is equal to its previous value.

Batch Updates

The MutableCell.batch function allows the values of multiple mutable cells to be set simultaneously. The effect of this is that while the values of the cells are changed as soon as their value properties are set, the observers of the cells are only notified after all the cell values have been set.

Batch updates
final a = MutableCell(0);
final b = MutableCell(1);

final watcher = {
print('a = ${a()}, b = ${b()}');

// This only prints: a = 15, b = 3
MutableCell.batch(() {
a.value = 15;
b.value = 3;

In the example above, the values of a and b are set to 15 and 3 respectively, within a MutableCell.batch. The watch function, which observes both a and b, is only called once after the value of both a and b is set within MutableCell.batch.

As a result the following is printed to the console:

a = 0, b = 1
a = 15, b = 3
  1. a = 0, b = 1 is printed when the watch function is first defined.
  2. a = 15, b = 3 is printed when MutableCell.batch returns.

A watch function is always called once immediately after it is set up. This is necessary to determine, which cells the watch function is observing.