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Self Cells

A self cell is a computed cell that can access its own value within its compute value function.

Defining Self Cells

Self cells are created with the SelfCell constructor, which takes the compute value function just like ValueCell.computed. However, unlike ValueCell.computed, the compute value function is passed a self argument. The self argument is a function which when called returns the current value of the cell.

Self Cell Example
final increment = ActionCell();
final count = SelfCell((self) {
return self() + 1;
}, initialValue: 0);

In the example above a self cell count is defined which observes an action cell, increment. The value of the count cell is one plus its previous value, and it is updated whenever the increment action cell is triggered.

Note the initialValue argument, which takes the initial value to be returned by self, in this case 0. initialValue can be omitted in which case, the first call to self results in UninitializedCellError being thrown.


If initialValue is omitted, the value type of the self cell can no longer be deduced and thus has to be specified manually, e.g. SelfCell<int>(...). {
}); // Prints 1

increment.trigger(); // Prints 2
increment.trigger(); // Prints 3


The self argument is a function which returns the value, rather than being the value itself. The reason for this is that the value of the self cell can be an exception. In this case calling self rethrows the exception.

Defining Operations on State

Combined with action cell chaining, which we saw in Action Cells, we can use different logic for updating the self cell's value, depending on which action cell was triggered:

final recompute = ActionCell();
final delta = MutableCell(1);

final increment = recompute.chain(() {
MutableCell.batch(() {
delta.value = 1;

final decrement = recompute.chain(() {
MutableCell.batch(() {
delta.value = -1;

final count = SelfCell((self) {
return self() + delta();
}, initialValue: 0);

In this example the value of the count cell is incremented when the increment action cell is triggered, and decremented when the decrement action cell is triggered. {
}); // Prints 1;

increment.trigger(); // Prints: 2
increment.trigger(); // Prints: 3

decrement.trigger(); // Prints: 2

This is achieved by defining increment and decrement as chained action cells, which trigger the recompute cell and set the value of delta to 1 and -1, respectively. It is necessary to trigger the recompute, because assigning 1 to delta while its value is already 1 will not cause count to be recomputed. The same applies when assigning -1 to delta while its value is already -1.

This allows you to define a set of "operations" on the state of a self cell. For example, this definition of count can be packaged in a factory function, which exposes the count, increment and decrement cells:

(ValueCell<int>, ActionCell, ActionCell) counter() {
// Definition from previous example
return (count, increment, decrement)

Or you can opt for a more structured approach such as the following:

class Counter {
final ValueCell<int> count;
final ActionCell increment;
final ActionCell decrement;

factory Counter() {
// Definition from previous example
return Counter._internal(
count: count,
increment: increment,
decrement: decrement

const Counter._internal({
required this.count,
required this.increment,
required this.decrement

This allows users of our newly packaged counter, to observe and modify the counter's state, but does not allow the users to directly modify the value of delta.

final counter = Counter(); {
}); // Prints: 1

counter.increment.trigger(); // Prints 2
counter.decrement.trigger(); // Prints 1

You can store any value in a SelfCell, even instances of your own classes.


Be aware of the following pitfalls when using self cells:

  • Self cells need at least one observer to function correctly, otherwise they will not have a state where they can keep track of their own value.
  • Once a self cell is disposed, when its last observer is removed, the value returned by self is reset to the value provided in initialValue.